Monday, June 30, 2014

School Update and Pictures #7

If you haven't had a chance to drive by our school lately, you should! The grounds are really taking shape. Many of the plants and trees have been planted. The landscapers are doing a fantastic job!

You may have also noticed a decrease in the number of cars, trucks, and workers on the grounds. This is because our building is in its final stages. There is very little left for the construction crew to do. Now, it is up to the staff to get the remainder of the building ready for our students on the first day. You should have seen the number of pallets that were unloaded today with supplies-trash cans, staplers, tape dispensers, crayons, paper...What a sight! Now, to put it away...

Once we have our phones and internet turned on and computers and copiers delivered, we will open up our office for registration and questions. Please check the blog for updates. I also will begin sending emails once I have access to our students in Skyward.

Happy Independence Day!

Faculty room kitchen

Front office

Front office storage room

Faculty room kitchen

Media Center

Our parking lot has been painted!

Landscape beginnings

Landscape beginnings part 2